Helping Top Students
Attend Top Schools
The number one online education consulting service in Canada.

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Get Into The University Of Your Choice
And Graduate Debt-Free

"... Short story long, GrantMe did not just improve my writing abilities and applications but also equipped me with the skills to be a successful student"
Western University
“My favourite part of GrantMe was the wonderful essay editing, really helpful feedback, and great turnaround times”
Simon Fraser University
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View Success Stories From 20,000+ GrantMe Scholars

Your Future Is A Big Deal

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Know Exactly What To Do & How To Do It

Ace Your Application Essays

Students who work with our writing team are more likely to get accepted & funded for their education of choice. We review, edit, and return your essays within 24 hours so you can perfect them quickly and never miss a deadline.

We Don’t Take a Day Off Until You’re Accepted

Our Student Success Team is here to help you every step of the way, seven days a week. We provide one-on-one support, online workshops, and interview prep so you always have access to the resources you need to achieve all your goals. 

Ace Your Application Essays

GrantMe offers workshops and mentorship that will help you discover the university & program that’s right for you. The best part is, they’re run by students who have done it all before and know exactly what you’re going through.

Fund Your Future

Students who participate in our structured support & tracking system are 5x more likely to get funded. We’ll help you discover every scholarship you’re eligible for and provide you with access to thousands of essays that have won them before.

Our Program

Yes, This Was Made For You

Grade 9 - 10

Get organized, get a plan in place, and get ahead.

Did you know a standout student resume can take up to 24 months to develop? That’s why students who start working on theirs in grades 9-10 are 3x more likely to get into their top school and win funding. This program will help you create your education plan, prepare your extracurriculars, establish initiator roles, get into the right courses, and so much more.

Grade 11

Round out your student resume and learn how to shine on university applications.

If you haven’t started preparing your university applications by grade 11, you’re already behind. However, with the right help, you’ll be at the top of your class in no time. This program will help you identify your top schools & programs, as well as develop your university & scholarship applications, so you can have a future full of options.

Like Our Students, We Ace Our Report Card

As Seen On

Where Our Students Are Now

University of British Columbia Applicants
University of Toronto Applicants
McMaster University Aplicants
Queens University Applicants
University of Waterloo Applicants
Western University Applicants
Simon Fraser University Applicants
McGill University Applicants
University of Alberta Applicants
Toronto Metropolitan University Applicants
York University Applicants
University of Calgary Applicants
Our Students

It Takes 3 Minutes to Get Started

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2Attend Free Consultation
3Enroll & Get In!

Discover if you’re eligible to enroll in GrantMe’s education consulting programs, learn about our programs & pricing and get free advice on university & scholarship applications.

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Get Into Top Universities & Get Funding To Pay For It

GrantMe is the most effective university & scholarship process that’s ever existed. We’re founded on a mission to help top students get into top schools and we left no stone unturned when developing our programs.

Your Future Is A Big Deal

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