How to Find Virtual Volunteer Opportunities

Whether you’re quarantined in your house, looking to get volunteer hours for school, or just want to donate your time from the comfort of your own home, virtual volunteering is the way to go! For resources on how to find virtual volunteer opportunities, check out our video below!

Since COVID-19's impact on the world, education, workplaces, and extracurriculars have moved online. While it takes a little getting used to, virtual platforms are amazing for accessibility! An in-person experience with fellow volunteers, classmates and community has its own benefits, but what virtual platforms add is the ability for more people to join. A long as you have an internet connection, you can be a virtual volunteer!

Read below if you would like to know how to find virtual volunteer opportunities.


Zooniverse is the world’s largest people-powered research organization. E-volunteers assist professional researchers on different projects. E-volunteers do not need to have specialized background or training. Everything is done virtually! This opportunity is perfect for any STEM student who wants research experience (paid research jobs need prior experience!).

Though Zooniverse does not need a cover letter, most research positions do! To learn how to write an effective cover letter, watch our video:


Cuso focuses on access to women's education and health. Cuso's volunteers have an ongoing start date with 3 month contracts, so it is an awesome short-term involvement! Fill out their General Application form to learn more.

Amnesty Decoders

You may have already heard of Amnesty - they are a global non-profit that focuses on human rights. As a volunteer Amnesty Decoder, you are responsible for sifting through pictures and documents, and to help researchers discover human rights violations. Current projects include: 'Decode Oil Spills', 'Troll Patrol', and 'Strike Tracker'. If you are a student interested in IR, Political Science, or a future career in humanitarian efforts, this is a great opportunity!

For more virtual volunteer opportunities, check out iVolunteer and Volunteer Canada.

GrantMe has the unique experience of being a digital platform. We’ve been virtually building our student's futures with webinars, online support, and scholarship matching with data driven technology. To learn more about how you can unlock your potential, check out our website!

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