What Is UBC Engineering’s Acceptance Rate?

UBC engineering acceptance rate 

Every Fall, students from across the country migrate to the west coast to attend UBC’s Engineering program and participate in one of the most storied and productive institutions in the world. Graduates walk away with lifelong friends, valuable connections, and incredible career prospects. It’s one of the most sought after programs in Canada. However, it’s also very competitive. The UBC Engineering program accepts only 1,000 new students each year while thousands more apply and the acceptance rate is estimated to be between 10-25%.

How to get into UBC engineering 

The admissions committee is looking for students who shine above and beyond simply getting good grades. They’re looking for leaders in their communities with the extracurriculars, initiator roles, and work experience to back it up. Oh, and having a 92-96% average doesn’t hurt either.

Getting Accepted to UBC

A top program such as UBC Engineering only accepts top students. They’re looking for a student resume that has been developed over the course of many years to demonstrate a commitment to academic excellence. It’s why competitive candidates often begin preparing as early as grade 8. But even the most prepared students don’t really understand everything that goes into impressing the admissions committee. This blog will give you all the info you need to get a plan in place, get into UBC Engineering, and even win funding to go there.

The Building Blocks

Every Engineer knows that you’ve got to have a strong foundation in anything you do. For attending a program such as UBC Engineering, that translates to meeting the grade point averages and fulfilling the course prerequisites mandatory for admission. You’ll need to have the equivalent of English 12, Precalculus 12, Chemistry 12 and Physics 12 in order for your application to even be eligible for the UBC Engineering program. You’ll also need a minimum grade point average of +80%. However, keep in mind this is simply the price of entry. Most students will need to achieve a 90% or higher in these courses to be a competitive applicant.

The Performance Parts

Okay, future engineer, you’ve got your building blocks in place and your machine is running and viable. Now it’s time to crank things up a notch and put yourself ahead of the competition. To be considered for a competitive program such as UBC Engineering, you’ll need far more than good grades. Admissions committees are looking for qualities that demonstrate leadership and diversity in your personal profile to UBC. These attributes will also set you apart when applying for scholarships & bursaries. 

Get Accepted With GrantMe

GrantMe has helped thousands of students organize their student resumes, get into their dream school, and win millions in funding. One key element of the support we provide can be found in the Impact Formula Tool Kit which outlines exactly the type of profile students should be looking to build to be considered for top programs. 

Our education consultants work with you 1-on-1 to get a plan in place and support you all through your high school years. 

Putting Everything Together

Now that you understand the necessary building blocks and ‘high performance attributes’ required to construct your education as a UBC Engineer, it’s time to take the steps towards securing that future.

Take our program assessment quiz to determine if you’re eligible to enroll in GrantMe’s premium offerings. If so, you’ll gain access to a complimentary consultation where we’ll discuss your tailored education plan as well as funding options that are available to you, all without costing you a dime.

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